
Aga ham and ehb
Aga ham and ehb

aga ham and ehb

The palette for the AGA chipset has 256 entries from 16,777,216 colors (24-bit), whereas previous chipsets, the Original Chip Set (OCS) and Enhanced Chip Set (ECS), only allow 32 colors out of 4096 or 64 colors in Amiga Extra Half-Brite (EHB mode). This allows for 256 colors in indexed display modes and 262,144 colors (18-bit) in Hold-And-Modify (HAM-8) modes.

aga ham and ehb

AGA is able to display graphics modes with a depth of up to 8 bits per pixel. The name was later changed to AGA for the European market to reflect that it largely improved the graphical subsystem, and to avoid trademark issues. AGA was originally called AA for Advanced Architecture in the United States. Before release AGA was codenamed Pandora by Commodore International. Amiga Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA) is the third-generation Amiga graphic chipset, first used in the Amiga 4000 in 1992.V USA byla tato sada známá jako AA (Advanced Architecture), v Evropě se označením AGA naznačoval masivní skok v grafické oblasti. generaci zastoupenou chipovou sadou ECS (Enhanced Chip Set). AGA (Advanced Graphics Architecture) je název pro vylepšený grafický chipset 3.El chipset AGA, que va substituir el Enhanced Xip set (ECS), es va utilitzar per la primera vegada a l'Amiga 4000, a 1992, després, també es va utilitzar en l' i l'. Chipset AGA és un acrònim de Advanced Graphics Architecture, la tercera generació del chipset gràfic de l'ordinador Commodore Amiga.Something else : are you sure that the HAM6 mode on the AGA chipset should clear the lowest R,G or B nibble of the "ham_lastcolor" variable ? It should be more logical to duplicate the upper nibble to the lower nibble, like it is done with the palette handling. What about the other modes ? Dual playfield ? Half-brite ?Ĭan we swap palette and get 512 colors on screen in Half-brite mode ? It would have been smarter for C= to put it on the color index path only so we could get 4 x 64 color palettes in HAM8 by poking bits BPLAM7 and BPLAM6 with the copper. Moreover, I am surprised that it alters the HAM commands. I still have a question about BPLCON4.BPLAM : under WinUAE (variable "bplxor"), it is only implemented for HAM modes. I actually discovered that a double color palette is even necessary to correctly render the HAM bitplanes with sprites on top. Just a follow-up on this topic : after implementing the sprites and bitplanes display pipeline, I think you are totally right on the separate path. I haven't tested but I am absolutely sure bitplanes and sprites have separate processing path until priority selection logic merges sprite or bitplane pixels.

Aga ham and ehb